1.. We look forward to see End time of persecutions and conflicts . We are interested to see End time of people sponsoring terrorists and bandit's . Causing confusion against what Religious stand for.
2 We need to defend the Religious conscience in our time. by promoting peace and respect as a conscience of Human's nature when building the faith of our children.
3 we are presenting the Sense of Unity's Love and understanding which should be Law of Human's faith in God.
4. . Where there is no Law Crim's is free. Therefore we are demanding for signatures and Supporting from government of each countries of the World. Because. fear of death have become too strong in the faith of every child. Therefore let's build Unity and be strong through events of signatures Launching Campaigns worldwide.
5. Signatures Launching Campaigns is a significant approach to agreement of each countries of the World . That's peaceful Religious Coexistence is acceptable in the Law of our country Constitution . Therefore Our country will continue to respect the Constitution of peaceful Religious Coexistence.. because we have through giving support and endorsement credited the knowledge of Harmonious Coexistence in our country signature.
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