Braking the cycle of Dehumanization ,, Molestation ..  Unlawful Killings:  A Global call to Action;. Eradicating . Hatred . Bitterness in the name of Religion.

    Revolution of Conscience and The Revelation of consciousness  Breaking free from Bloodshed and violence, A somber and reflective tone is set. with a black screen and a gentle mournful Melody.

    A Voice-over begin. in a world torn apart by bloodshed and violence . Some time. We are forced to confront the darkest as part of human nature. But when the Conscience is agree, Attitude responded. This became  Bloodshed and violence to human's suffering.;

The Voice-over continue  until the reality of  Conscience ,

 The Conscience of peace and understanding.

The Religious violence . Terrorism . Bloodshed have become all too common in the world.     

But what drives humans to commit such atrocities ,,?

Therefore . A transaction is made to a more hopeful and uplifting tone with an images of people from different Faith's and backgrounds . coming together in peace and Harmony .

" The Voice-over explain the Conscience is the voice within us that distinguishes right from wrong ;

But what happened when our Conscience is clouded by misinformation . Fear and hatred. ?

The Revelation of Conscience

A call to Action is made. with images of people from different faith and backgrounds. Working together to build a more peaceful and Harmonious World.

Because the Voice-over concludes It's time for a revolution of Conscience . A revolution that breaks free from the chains of Hatred and violence ;. A revolution that choose Love . Compassion . and understanding .

Join the revolution of Conscience ; Let's build a world where Love . Compassion. and Understanding Triumph over Hatred and Violence.


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